Store opening times: 09:30 until 17:30 - 7 days a week

Hedgerow Medicine - Currently Postponed

Hedgerow Medicine - Currently Postponed

Event Currently Postponed - Join Wicklow Herbalist, Isobel Jordan Keeling for her ‘Hedgerow Medicine’ talk at Powerscourt Garden Pavilion on Thursday 23rd April from 11 to 12pm.

Isobel will explain about the therapeutic value of a selection of our native plants and how to use them with confidence.

As part of her talk on 'Hedgerow Medicine', Isobel will discuss the value of foot & hand herbal baths, how to make an elderberry syrup (great for the immune system) Elder leaf ointment (great for chilblains etc), and how to make wild garlic pesto and lots more.

Isobel Jordan Keeling is a qualified Herbalist and Naturopath practicing in Greystones. She treats clients with a wide variety of ailments and has a particular interest in the prevention and complementary treatment of cancer. Isobel leads foraging walks and demonstrations of how to use the wild herbs in teas, creams and much more

COST: €5.00, Garden Pavilion at Powerscourt.

Book here