Store opening times: 09:30 until 17:30 - 7 days a week

Gardening Tools List Ireland - What every gardener needs!

Gardening Tools List Ireland - What every gardener needs!
Gardening is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding outdoor activities you can do during the warm months but you need the right tools to avoid the strained muscles and scratched hands that can come with it. Make it easier by using good quality appropriate tools! Here is a list of basic tools to start anyone on the road to garden expertise: Gloves – for protection against blisters from thorns or repetitive jobs like sawing, pruning and digging. Check fit by making a fist and feel finger fit. Hand trowel – indispensable for bulb planting, seedlings, small plants weeding. Powerscourt Garden Pavilion Kneelers and seats - there are kneeling pads that are lightweight to carry with you or pads you can strap over your trousers to protect your knees and clothes. It’s great to work down with the soil but sometimes hard to get up! Use a kneeler frame with metal bars at the sides to help you stand up. Sometimes just a small stool is perfect for doing some of the low down jobs. Secateurs - there are so many different styles to choose from, be sure to try them before buying! This is a repetitive movement tool so it is important it feels right from the beginning. The anvil type crushes rather than slices so it isn’t as versatile as the bypass type but requires less wrist and hand strength to use. The ratchet pruner is even easier than the anvil for those who lack hand strength. Spade – Not the same as a shovel. Shorter handle, flat, square blade. Edge beds, dig plant holes, slicing under sod, dividing strong and hardy plants, working soil amendments into the garden. Shovel - Usually long handled with tapered concave blade to deal with piles of soil, sand or other materials needing to be moved Gardening Tools

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Garden fork with steel tines - to turn and aerate soil, break up compost or work your organic compost into the ground. Helps deal with buried rocks or hard to remove roots and handy for dividing perennial clumps Hoe - to cultivate soil, remove weeds, chop soil clumps or create furrows in soil Flexible rake - the flexible tines made of metal, bamboo or plastic gather light debris from beds, lawns and walks Halfmoon lawn edgers - so easy to use to get that crisp look at the edge of your lawn. Place it along the edge where the turf meets the pavement and push the blade in, repeat, you’re done! Garden Tools

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For small hedges, hedge shears could be enough – the 8 to ten inch blades usually can cut branches up to half an inch thick. For big hedges a light weight electric hedge trimmer is necessary. A long handled lopper not only extends your reaching distance but can cut through the thicker, more difficult branches almost every hedge will have. Crack weeder or Patio knives - great for levering shallow weeds from the soil or scraping them from cracks in narrow spots on walks or driveways. Lawn mowers come in many forms: manual, electric or petrol for small, medium or large lawns. To see Powerscourt Garden Pavilion's latest range of gardening tools, visit our website With the fine weather and the right tools, your garden is going to look great! See you soon at Powerscourt Garden Pavilion. Mary, Horticulturalist at Powerscourt Garden Pavilion.

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