Unusual Flower Bulbs for Woodland and Shade
It is a great time of the year to look at the dark corners of our gardens and start planning some colour for them. I have picked my top 5 of unusual flowering bulbs that will give colour from March until July, as when one bulb finishes flowering another will start. Corydalis Solida This flowering plant species is Native to Northern Europe and Asia, thrives in well drained soils with plenty of organic matter. Corydalis Solida flowers from February onwards and prefer shady conditions they will naturalise to give you a showy carpet of Ferny leaves with Mauve- Pink flowers spikes. The foliage dies down over the summer and once established these plants can be divided in the autumn. Height 20cm. Erythronium Kondo Commonly referred to as the Dogs Tooth Violet these bulbs produce beautiful Buttermilk Flowers from March onwards. Erythroniums enjoy rich garden soil with plenty of leaf mould, while they prefer a shady area they can be planted in containers. Avoid lifting and dividing until absolutely necessary, do so immediately after flowering and replant straight away. Height 25cm. Fritillaria Meleagris The Snake’s Head Fritillary are known for their pink/ white chequered lantern bell shaped flowers, which always create an interest in April/ May time. These bulbs are well suited for naturalising in shady areas with rich well drained soils. These bulbs are hardy and best left undisturbed for several years. Height 20cm. Leucojum Gravetye Giant These Giant Summer Snowflakes prefer a well-drained rich soil. The white bell shaped flowers appear in May, once planted avoid moving them as they take time to establish. Height 55cm. Allium Cameleon These delicate pale pink Allium flowers will naturalise when left year after year. These are best planted in groups for an impressive floral display from June onwards. The flowers will last longer in a shady corner, where they can add some height. Height 20cm Claire Hayes :) Horticulturalist & Manager Powerscourt Garden Pavilion