Store opening times: 10:30 until 17:30 - 7 days a week

A Scented Pine Cone Christmas with Carol Bone

A Scented Pine Cone Christmas with Carol Bone
This delicate floral arrangement was made by Carol Bone at the annual floral decoration demonstrations at Powerscourt Garden Pavilion in County Wicklow. Here is how you achieve the same look! DSCF4852 1) Use a large contained for this arrangement. The one Carol uses was a rustic container, featuring tea lights around it. 2) Put in a see through saucer at the bottom of it and fill with green oasis. 3) Cut the foliage you will be using for the arrangement and bathe it in cold water. it won't last that long and this should help to give it extra longevity. 4) Decorate the arrangement with ivy. Add some ivy berries to it as well, they are absolutely gorgeous. DSCF4854   5) Keep the arrangement very low so that all the foliage and flowers can be seen. 6) Use red roses and carnations to decorate the arrangement. Such wonderful winter colours! The carnations keep very well at this time of year. 7) Cut the red roses and add to the centre of the arrnagement. 8) Add some scented pine cones. The aroma in your home will be wonderful! The cones in Powerscourt Garden Pavilion smell of cinnamon :) 9) Add some gold beading to the top and your look is complete!
Home-made Christmas Decorations with Carol Bone
Dates: 20th and 27th November, 4th December 
Time: 10.30am
Location: Powerscourt Garden Pavilion
Booking: No booking required or cost, this event is with our compliments
The fabulous Carol Bone will be coming to Powerscourt Garden Pavilion soon to give Christmas Decoration Demonstrations. This annual event is hugely popular with visitors to Powerscourt and is not be missed! The event is free of charge and there is plenty of parking available. We hope to see you there :)

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