Companion Planting
Ever wondered why Azaleas and Rhododendrons seem to thrive under Pine trees? It’s because the pine needles when decomposing produces an acid rich soil which Rhodos and Azaleas love. This happens naturally in an uncultivated area, but if we observe nature carefully we can introduce this concept into our own gardens.
Companion planting is where you plant two or more plants together where their individual qualities are beneficial to all of the plants. For example insects generally smell their food so planting strong smelling herbs near your carrot crop will confuse the insect and keep them away from your crop. Some of the most common garden plants are working away in your garden and having an amazing effect on the plants around them. Sage is one of these hard workers, plant Sage as a companion plant to Brocolli, Cauliflower, Cabbage and Carrots and it will discourage cabbage moths, beetles and carrot flies. Allowing Sage to flower not only gives you beautiful flowers but also attracts many beneficial insects.
Tomatoes, Chives and Basil sounds delicious and looks great on a plate but they also should be planted together as the strong smells of the herbs will keep whitefly away from the tomatoes. These three plants planted together improves their individual flavour. Basil by the way also deters mosquitoes so why not put some sprigs in with the flowers on your table for comfortable bite free alfresco dining.
Planting Garlic and Marigolds under Roses helps deter aphids reducing the need for chemical control. Also plant Chives as a border around your roses, this has two benefits, beautiful flowers and Chives can help prevent blackspot.
The simple Onion is a great companion to Carrots, Leeks, Beets, Strawberries, Lettuce And Tomatoes. Planting Onions and Leeks with your Carrots confuses carrot and onion fly. Onions planted with Strawberries helps the berries fight diseases.
The sweeter smelling Lavender encourages lots of beneficial pollinating insects into your garden. It will also protect plants beside it from insect attack and when planted under fruit trees can deter codling moth.
Think Petunias are just pretty flowers it’s not the case, they are powerful asparagus beetle deterents as well as certain aphids. Make tea from the petunia leaves and you have a very effective bug spray.
There are thousands of companion plant combinations and many yet undiscovered it is still a developing field. What works for you? I would love to hear from you or call in and tell us, see you soon.
Marianne Caplice, Horticulturalist at Powerscourt Garden Pavilion